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The busts that were displayed on Hardeen's mantle for many years (Hardeen was Houdini's brother)

The Houdini "East Indian Needle Trick"

One of the walls filled with Houdini memorabilia

Another wall filled with Houdini memorabilia

More Houdini memorabilia...

A padlock from the original Houdini Milk Can

One of the many displays of Houdini

One of the many displays of Houdini

"Compliments of the author -- Harry Houdini -- May 9, 1908"

One of many signed Houdini S.A.M. membership cards

A small selection of Hardeen memorabilia

A Hardeen broadside/poster

Hardeen Cabinet Photo With Leg Irons
A Visit to see the Houdini Bookcases

Houdini Bean Giant King Breakers
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