Large Escape Apparatus

A classic "Houdini-style" straightjacket

Harry Blackstone Sr.'s Milk Can

A close-up of the Milk Can

A close-up of the Milk Can

Trudel Pillory

A close-up of the Trudel Pillory

A Robert Stull Barrel Escape

A close-up of the Robert Stull Barrel Escape

A Houdini Pillory Escape

A close-up of the Houdini Pillory Escape

A Houdini Pillory Escape -- opened

A Roterberg Shackle Escape

A Martinka Sub-Trunk -- opened

A Martinka Sub-Trunk

A close-up of the Martinka Sub-Trunk

A Trudel Torture Crib Escape -- front and back

The Trudel Torture Crib Escape depicted in the Australian Torture Crib Escape book

A close-up of the shipping label on the back of the Trudel Torture Crib Escape

A photo from Hereward Carrington's book Handcuff Secrets depicting the Mailbag Escape

Another photo from Hereward Carrington's book Handcuff Secrets depicting the Mailbag Escape

A close-up of Hereward Carrington's Mailbag Escape

Hereward Carrington's Mailbag Escape (CLICK HERE for more information of Hereward Carrington)
Small Escape Apparatus

A display of Escape Props

A Mysto Siberian Transport Chain

An Adams Siberian Transport Chain

A German Shackle

A grouping of Floyd Thayer Escapes

The Siberian Chain Escape